Today, our Sisters are not as readily identified as quickly as in the past when we had a greater presence in many religious schools. Changes in society, in the Church and in religious life have given us an opportunity to be involved in new ministries.
Our ministries are as varied as the women in our community. What they all have in common is a desire to make the world a more peaceful and loving home for all.
Our ministries are shaped by the needs of our neighbors. In the spirit of extending the “hospitality of God,” we do what we can to help meet the necessities of life, whether through prayer, education, advocacy, social work and health care, or simply, with a warm meal and a friendly smile.
We are more likely to be working in teams with Sisters of other communities, associates, priests, and lay persons of varied backgrounds. We serve the parish and the prison. We are spiritual directors and social workers, parish ministers, massage therapists, school administrators, youth chaplains and caregivers.
In all our ministries, we keep on responding to God’s admonition to Francis to go and rebuild the Church by serving the poor and otherwise needy.