Collaborative Ministries of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God
Sisters of St. Francis of the Providence of God

Collaborative Ministries

In the last few decades, God’s Providence has called us to partner with other congregations locally and nationally to better serve those in need, as well as work for peace, social justice and environmental conservation.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the Franciscan Federation

Among the issues these groups address are Peace, Global Climate Change, Immigration, Water Conservation, Human Trafficking, Fair Trade and other social justice concerns, particularly those affecting the poor, women and children.

Locally, we participate in the Tri-Diocesan Sisters Leadership Conference(TDSLC), which is comprised of Catholic women religious who serve in leadership positions within congregations located in the dioceses of Pittsburgh, Greensburg and Altoona-Johnstown. Two of our collaborative ministries with other congregations of women in the Pittsburgh Region are Sisters Place, Inc. and People Against the Trafficking of Humans.

Sisters Place, Inc

Sisters Place, Inc., is a supportive housing community committed to assisting single parent families who are homeless in southwestern Pennsylvania. Its mission is to assist such families toward self-sufficiency by providing housing and supportive services.

Sisters Place was founded in 1993 by a group of 14 Catholic communities of women religious as an outgrowth of their interest in serving the poor in the community. Because of their extensive experience with this needy population, the group recognized the critical need of many impoverished families for stable housing and supportive services as they work to make lasting, positive changes in their lives.

Sisters Place provides both transitional and permanent housing to single parents. The transitional housing program is limited to two years and focuses on young mothers between the ages of 18 and 26. The permanent housing program provides housing indefinitely to single parents with a disability and their children.